Knitting Weather

The past couple of days it has been cold here. Like we haven’t had school all week (today’s Thursday) and my bank was closed yesterday cold. The high yesterday (yes high) was -12, without the wind chill.

I’ve been home with Kiddo for the past two days (thankfully, my mom helped out Monday and Tuesday), which has given me some extra knitting time. Only some because Kiddo’s here so we have also played games, baked cookies, watched some movies, and built a box fort.

Yesterday, I was able to finish my Luffe mittens and cast on a new project. I’m knitting this Hobo Bag with Cables for a friend’s daughter. I’m using Lanaloft Worsted by Brown Sheep in Sky Blue.

I’m only a couple of repeats in, but it is looking pretty good.

Tomorrow is supposed to be just the normal level of cold for a Wisconsin winter, so hopefully life will get back to normal. Today, though, I’m going to get some more knitting in. I probably should split the time between the bag and my primavera socks.

Knitting is really all this weather is good for.

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